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Ablaze Groups

Looking for a peer community where you fit in that is striving to grow spiritually? Check out one of these small groups to meet fellow disciples of Jesus while deepening your understanding of God and relationship with the Lord. All groups are guided by theologically trained leaders.

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Ablaze Bible Study

Tuesdays, 7-8:30pm

Every Week

St. Joseph Church

226 N. Hill St, South Bend


Are you looking for a community of fellow young adults that gathers regularly? Do you want the Bible and Mass to become more relevant to your daily life? Then join us to study and discuss the Sunday scripture readings together. No weekly commitment required. Bring a Bible if you have one.


Registration not needed, simply come!

(map of parking & entrance)



Jesse Iamarino, MA

Sean Allen, MDiv​



Sean Allen


Ablaze Bible Study

Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm

Every Week

St. Therese Little Flower Church

54191 Ironwood Rd, South Bend


Are you looking for a community of fellow young adults that gathers regularly? Do you want the Bible and Mass to become more relevant to your daily life? Then join us to study and discuss the Sunday scripture readings together. No weekly commitment required. Bring a Bible if you have one.


Registration not needed, simply come!

(map of parking & entrance)



Juan Maldonado, MTS

Sean Allen, MDiv



Sean Allen


Magdala Women's Group

​​Thursdays, 5-7pm

March 6 – June 26

South Bend


Pornography, masturbation, and other sexual addictions aren't just a "guy problem." Magdala Ministries exists as a space where women can find hope, healing, and freedom alongside each other.


Our Magdala group will journey through a 17-week series designed for women to experience community, hope, and healing. Magdala’s curriculum is theologically sound and psychologically informed, covering a breadth of topics related to addiction, recovery, and healing. Within our confidential group, you’ll discuss triggers, accountability, forgiveness, navigating relationships, reordering desire, and more. You’ll receive tools to pray, reflect, and heal in the midst of recovery!


Cost: $25




Due to the sensitive nature of our group, confidentiality is of the utmost importance. Confidentiality is the trust that all identities, personal sharing, communication, and information will be kept private at all times. Magdala is a private group within the Ablaze Mission community, therefore any personal information will not be shared outside of our group's private meetings.


We know this might be a little scary, but we value YOU and your full hope, healing, and freedom. You are not alone and we're excited to journey with you!​


Please contact us if you have any questions, would like additional information, or are interested in being part of our next group.​​



The Ignatian Adventure

Mondays, 6:15-7:30pm

October 7 – June 9

Juan's House, South Bend


St. Ignatius of Loyola is known for his famous Spiritual Exercises, which help people enliven their faith, discover their purpose, and make better decisions in their life. These Ignatian Exercises are designed to be done over the course of a 30-day retreat. However, the version led by The Ignatian Adventure book allows busy people to experience them in daily life, with each retreat day lived over a week-long period instead.


Each time the group meets, we'll discuss the theme of that week, graces from the previous week, and any extra material in the book readings. Participants MUST commit to at least half an hour of silent, contemplative prayer with the Lord each day.


Monday, Oct 7:  Orientation (p. 1-12)

  • Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary


Monday, Oct 14:  Introduction (p. 13-30)


Mondays, Oct 21 - May 25:

  • Ignatian Spiritual Exercises


Monday, June 2:  Reflection


Monday, June 9:  Celebration​

  • Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church​​​


Given the length of this commitment, it's not expected that you'll be able to attend every session, but all participants should strive to attend as many as possible to build community and journey together.


The book will be provided for free to the first 10 registrants. â€‹Contact Juan to sign up!



Juan Maldonado, MTS



Juan Maldonado

Mental Health & Faith-Sharing Support Group

Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm



"I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone."  -Thomas Merton


Are you looking for spiritual support in your struggles with mental health? Do you want to talk about the intersection of your mental health and your relationship with God? Then join us for prayer, sharing, fellowship, and reflection offered in a space of welcome and confidentiality.


No weekly commitment required. Share as you are comfortable and encounter the healing presence of the Holy Spirit.






Cassie Brouillard, MDiv

Michael Carroll, CMHC



Cassie Brouillard


Other Ablaze Groups

Want to be notified about newly formed groups? Find out through our newsletter:





If none of these Ablaze Groups work for you or your schedule, let us know what would:


Sean Allen


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