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Mission Statement

Ablaze Mission is a Catholic nonprofit organization that:


Young Adults on fire for the Lord building up his Church!

We are following the Lord toward the vision of communities of young adult missionary disciples, established throughout the United States, which evangelize their peers in order to transform the world and build up the Church.



Ablaze Mission extends the Church out to young adults in the community where they spend their time and connects them to local parishes. We meet young adults where they are at, both physically and spiritually, and accompany them further along the journey of faith.

  • witnesses and proclaims the Good News to young adults in order to set their hearts ablaze,

  • guides and journeys with young adults as disciples in peer communities, and

  • equips young adults to become missionaries to their peers and transform society to Christ.

“Roughly 1/2 of Catholic teenagers lose their Catholic identity by their late 20s.”

Nicolette Manglos-Weber and Christian Smith

Understanding Former Young Catholics (2014)

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