Mark 12:38-44
“She, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood." (Mark 12:44)
Reflecting on this passage I realized how much this widow’s example influenced me when I was younger. As a kid, I tended to see biblical lessons in black and white. I thought Jesus was saying that to be Christian was to always give, even beyond your limits. I see now that this perspective was shaped by my own tendencies towards people pleasing than what Jesus was communicating here.
This story doesn’t tell us that we must always give our money, time, and talents beyond our means. Some people, such as sisters and brothers in religious orders, are called to voluntary poverty. For them, this level of detachment supports their vocation and their call to rely fully on God. Most of us are not called to that kind of life. And for too many people, lack of money, time, or talents stems from injustices and is not a choice at all.
So, what about the widow in the story? Jesus' main point wasn't that it was good that she was poor and still giving. Instead, He is highlighting her deep trust in God—that she could give and still know that she’d be taken care of. It’s a good reminder that while each of us is called to give differently, that detachment is meant to lead us to deeper dependence on God.
It took a lot of personal growth to find peace with saying “no” when I couldn’t give my time or money to a worthy cause. I came to see that, previously, I was giving out of a sense of compulsion rather than from a place of true calling. And I imagine Jesus understood this about the widow. He knew that she had a close relationship to her Creator and that this offering was for love of Him and her neighbors, not from guilt or pressure.
This week’s bible study reminded me not to compare my own actions with those around me or feel inadequate when I’m not called to, or simply can’t, give at the same level. We all have different journeys, capabilities, and callings. Our focus should be on giving with our whole hearts, body, mind, and strength in the ways that God is prompting us towards.